Joram and the HardKores

Featuring a lot of food, some moshing, and a surprisingly high number of anuses (ani??) YO! Writing about my time with Szym in Szymgapore has made me feel incredibly guilty about not managing to write about all the other amazing friend times in the last months years. So. Here goes Joram. Joram arrived late Thursday evening, at which point I was feeling not entirely well, so Sameer kindly brought him back home, we had a bit of chats, and then sunk into sleep. On Friday, I had to work in the morning, so Sameer took Joram towards some traditional English Gail’s Bakery Breakfast, and then left him to roam a bit in the wild like a good street photographer. (^moody english bus photo by @Joram) Once I was done with work and had popped a few pills to de-fog my brain, we continued our day with more drugs, this time some hipster coffee at Prufrock. Where Joram looked very pretty against the green and peach decor. Our plan of the day was to walk and … Continue reading Joram and the HardKores