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Dinosaur Days

I think it’s actually impossible that any day featuring more than one dinosaur can be not awesome.

It started with dinosaur pasta!

As I have probably ranted to you before, I tend to morally object to ‘organic’ food (50 % on the basis of ‘I find it hard to believe that the carbon and whatever else inside your food is ‘inorganic’ and 50 % on ‘I am poor and this is probably a scam).

Which is why I haven’t really been into the new Bio store in the Hbf very much.

But what a treat! Dinosaur Pasta. And endorsed by T-Rex no less!

I will admit that I was a little sad that there were only three types of dinosaurs, imagine the outrage, for example, if alphabet soup came only with the letters X, K and R. But this was mostly due to the absence of my favourite friend- Parasaurolophus.

Onwards to the Hauptbahnhof, with the promise of possibly-not-real-but-real-life-sized dinosaurs to actually leave the house and possibly even go to the gym on a Lazy Sunday.

They had a kind of ‘Jurassic Park’ set up, with labs and eggs and… VELOCIRAPTORS!

Now, this might be a slightly controversial statement, but I would warrant that Transperth would get a lot more action if the Esplanade had dinosaurs.

Something to think about Perth Government!

And oldish man was looking at the sign for the T-Rex, and when we came back after 10 minutes he was still there.. but he very kindly moved aside and offered to take a photo for us. Clearly my camera recognises T-Rex as more important that us, focus-wise!

What was weird was that two hours later, after going for dinner and then walking back to the station from Potsdam, we were about to cut through the station when we noticed that the same man was still gazing at the T-Rex.

Andy’s parents are coming to visit in a couple of weeks, and we realised that we really haven’t tried enough of the local restaurants to make informed recommendations.

Also.. I promised some of you food porn…

This place was on the main street, and was apparently ‘Thai’ but also served Sushi.

As most vaguely Asian places seem to do in Germany…

Crispy duck! The duck was super tasty, but the sauce and accompanying veges were a bit- bleh.

Andy got some version of red curry, which had ‘two chilis’ and was therefore supposed to be ‘superhot’, but was, as usual, rather weak.

I was impressed by their fortune cookies at least! The last ones we bought (from Kaufland) pretty much said things like ‘Hello’ and ‘Sometimes, things that are red are pretty’. These ones seem to be proper Fortunes, with predict-y powers and everything.

And then we walked home in the crazy light of German Summer.

These photos are taken between 9 pm and 9:30. It’s just super mind-boggling how long the sun hangs around.

It’s pretty eh?

In addition to the strange light, one of the things that’s really playing with my senses, is these white flowers:

I swear they smell EXACTLY like pink hubbabubba, and every time we go past them (they’re just in front of the hauptbahnhof), I get assaulted with the scent of our childhood.

Our home is <—- Thataway!!!

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