Make, Think
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Green Silk Keyhole Top

Well I made another thing!

I may have mentioned that when I visited Ikumi in Amsterdam I stumbled on fabric market which had so. much. amazing. fabric. 

For so little money.

So I already used some of my fabric stash to make a raw silk gradient dye top, and some to make a giant reading pillow for Andy, plus matching rug-thing. Oh yeah, and this geometric golden pillow comes from that stash.

But I also headed home with some super-fine olive green silk, which then became a little top.


The aim was to make something completely loose and unstructured, and as lightweight-as-possible for summer. I’ve been getting a lot of neck pain recently, and am shying far away from structured button-downs, which tend to just add weight on my shoulders (because boobs).

It’s self-drafted (i.e., I just made a little sack and added ties), and I may have actually erred on the side of over-loose when it comes to the armholes. It definitely requires a tube top underneath for work.

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Behold, a keyhole!

Which is a) a bypass around putting in any actual zips and b) inspired by possibly the most beautiful dress ever worn by any celebrity ever.IMG_8909 (Copy)IMG_8910 (Copy)IMG_8938 (Copy)

The material is ridiculously fine, which is lovely, but which made it super, super tricky to sew. However, after a few false starts and a few attempts by my sewing machine to eat the whole thing up, it gradually came together.

I did cheat a bit though, by folding along the bottom, instead of adding another opportunity for hemming. This also made it easier to cut and ‘match’ the two layers (necessary to prevent see-through-ness).


Hurrah!IMG_8937 (Copy)


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