Well I made another thing!
I may have mentioned that when I visited Ikumi in Amsterdam I stumbled on fabric market which had so. much. amazing. fabric.
For so little money.
So I already used some of my fabric stash to make a raw silk gradient dye top, and some to make a giant reading pillow for Andy, plus matching rug-thing. Oh yeah, and this geometric golden pillow comes from that stash.
But I also headed home with some super-fine olive green silk, which then became a little top.
The aim was to make something completely loose and unstructured, and as lightweight-as-possible for summer. I’ve been getting a lot of neck pain recently, and am shying far away from structured button-downs, which tend to just add weight on my shoulders (because boobs).
It’s self-drafted (i.e., I just made a little sack and added ties), and I may have actually erred on the side of over-loose when it comes to the armholes. It definitely requires a tube top underneath for work.
Behold, a keyhole!
Which is a) a bypass around putting in any actual zips and b) inspired by possibly the most beautiful dress ever worn by any celebrity ever.
The material is ridiculously fine, which is lovely, but which made it super, super tricky to sew. However, after a few false starts and a few attempts by my sewing machine to eat the whole thing up, it gradually came together.
I did cheat a bit though, by folding along the bottom, instead of adding another opportunity for hemming. This also made it easier to cut and ‘match’ the two layers (necessary to prevent see-through-ness).