Life in Germany
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Neukoelln Flowmarkt- A new kind of love requires a new kind of closet.

I’ve finally found a Berlin flea market to fill the hole in my hoarder’s heart.
Neukoelln flowmarkt is just down the road from another love- Maybachufer turkish market- and comes around every second Sunday.

It differs from the famous Mauerpark Market, which is filled with all the kitsch, hipster produce and cheap imported crap. And from the Flohmarkt at Tiergarten, which is more about candlesticks and canvas paintings. And from various other Flohmarkts that pop up around Berlin on Sundays that never really have the twenty-something closet-cleanout messes that I’m looking for.

It’s really a perfect combination.

There’s food and drink….

(Photo below by Joram, now a rare and valuable photo of the Fishwhiskus longhairdus)

There are flowers:

There are crazy and colourful accessories…

And there are piles, ripe for the rumaging.

(This one is also from Joram- PS: see that skirt down there?)

And, if you’re into that kind of thing, there are plenty of people to watch

But sometimes they watch you back..

The first time I went I came away with a houndstooth jacket and a skirt, both for the outrageous price of 2 euros.

The second time ’round it was a skirt, two basic tops, a compact mirror, a bag and some boots.

(This and above also from Joram)

Andy, of course, found some books…

And Tess, who was visiting, also left with a suspiciously bulging bag…

But seemed pretty happy with the whole situation.







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