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Granada-Being in the Sun.

This winter, like any creature of average intellect, Andy and I decided to fly south for the winter.

Our first stop was Granada- which we hit up via Malaga.

Granada seems to be one of the most beautiful cities there is. The centre houses only about 200,000 people, and is filled with narrow cobblestoned streets that wind you up and down hills. And off in the distance… snow capped mountains!

It’s that better-than-Disney perfection that fulfills one of Andy’s favourite words: Sublime.




We had planned the big Wonder: The Alhambra, for our second full day, so the first day was spend wandering, climbing, and photographing. Basically, hopping from Mirador to Mirador (lookout point).

Andy got a lot of steps in!







Family photo time:


I tried to teach them about Crotching, but they weren’t in the mood/ felt overwhelmed by my hyper-masculine dominance.


Andy felt left out, so I let him have a few personal posing opportunities.




Check out that Sun! Check out that Alhambra.




^Warm enough to wear a T-shirt!!!

What a Knows! (Asterix reference)





We settled down briefly to stuff our faces…

…and Ariel and Dad set about trying to get rabies from the local wildlife.




It gets a bit chilly as the sun dips behind the mountain/Alhambra, but I mean, Spanish chilly, not German chilly.










We went into the Cathdral, which was pretty lovely- very grand but in a tastefully done way. Plus, there was a choir practice going on, and the sounded Lord-of-the-Rings style ethereal. Very beautiful.

But we weren’t allowed photos, and you’re probably bored of photos of churches anyway right?

So here are more photos of food instead:





So. Granada is wonderful.
 It’s crisp and clear and romantic and warm (I wonder if it gets super hot and humid in the summer though?). The food is undeniably delicious (never has octopus been so tender). Plus the people are amazingly friendly, and seem to find the stupid foreigners – who don’t quite get Spanish so are trying to speak to them in a mixture of German, Italian and French- adorable, as opposed to annoying.
Tour de Force.
Five Stars.


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