Ugh! Do you want to know how long it just took me to work out how to spell fortnight/foughtrghtnight/thoughtnit?
I think I need a nap.
Or some sun.
Very much hanging out for Spring right now!
Here are some cool things that happened in the last couple of weeks:
- We hosted Kylie and Amar, a friend from Aussie land and her boyfriend for a long weekend. They were pretty great guests, and put up with us even though we were kinda lazy hosts. Three of the four of us had come down with some sort of bug, so it was more of a ‘chill out and eat Aussie candy and play card games’ kind of affair than ‘Tegan, the Stick (this is apparently what Kylie means an Aussie Aboriginal language), Andy and Amar take on Berlin’.
- While they were here, we had a party. There were sausage rolls. More on that later.
- Andy and I went to see Tegan and Sarah in concert. I enjoyed it a lot, although I think that their mikes could have been a bit higher- their voices were sometimes overshadowed by the instruments. In any case, I’m currently listening to their newest album a lot, and this is my favourite thing in the whole world.
- I made a papier mache coccolithophore. One of my friends is defended her thesis yesterday and we traditionally make a kind of graduation hat filled with things representing that person and their thesis work.
- I started making my hair blond. It was not entirely the most successful thing that I have ever done. But I think my fantastically-haired friend is going to escort me to an actual hair-doer-person next week to make it white.
And a decidedly uncool thing:
- Phone fell half a metre onto carpet and shattered. Needed to buy new phone. And probably also some kind of case for that phone.
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