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Merry New Year!

Hi everyone, and welcome to 2019!I had to take a brief blogging pause over the holiday period… not because I was leading an extremely exciting and glamorous life… but because my domain ran out of storage space.

I am too terrible at technology to know how to sort this out, so I had to ask a friend.

I have to admit that this year I was too tired (2018 was kinda exhausting) to figure out the whole Christmas-cards/gifts things. I managed the cookies, and even managed to start writing some cards for some of you… but never found enough weekend/not-work time to actually finish them and send them.

So please accept these photos as a kind of Christmas Card, and New Year Fortune all in one.

2018 is pretty much dedicated to both old friends and new, including some of these nuts in the photographs and some who aren’t here. Apart from my stressful major life change, our little work family (I’m not even sorry for this lameness) saw  Etienne, Pau and Szym move on out. These guys are three favourites who have been here with me since the start (or, at least kind of the start when it comes to Szym, who I first met in Perth more than 8 years ago), and it’s a massive shock to the system to not have them around for daily coffees.

On the flip side, I’m happy to have made so many new friends this year (big shoutout to Chiara, Enrique, Katie and Fabio)… and glad that the world seems to be getting smaller every year.

It was pretty great to get to see my Aussie family and friends again in October- including the younger and brand-new members. I also managed to meet up with a Mexican friend, back in Germany for a few days at the end of the year, and hit up my long-time Aussie friend in London over the Christmas break. Plus, 2019 seems like it’s going to be pretty big on births- so I’m excited to get to meet all the new babies and newly-made parents! 

Hope you are all excited for 2019. For those who had a crappy 2018, I hope that this one is better. For those who saw great things happen- I hope the world continues to shine!

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