The Nest
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Pretty Plants

Well it’s been a while since the last post.. things have been pretty busy what with Londoning for Easter, post-easter madness in the lab, May Day, visiting Folks+Grandfolks and new responsibilities at work.
Luckily, the garden has been pretty much doing its own thing with very little prompting.

Some of the plants are on their way to making a near-miraculous recovery after the winter freeze.

While other plants required only scattering of seeds, and some sort of interplay between sun, over-watering from the rain, and underwatering (sun+forgetful plant scientists).

So now we have tomatoes…


Plenty of sunflowers (Andy’s favourite)..


A whole lot of beans…

Lots of herby things, and some other questionables

I want to say this one is a chili.

What do you think?


Could be a productive year eh?

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