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Up the tower lookin’ down.

A friend of my sister, who joined her on the big EuroTour that every self respecting Aussie uni student has to make, had a firm beleif in always climbing the highest thing in every city, to get a view from above.
So on our last full day in Istanbul, we headed up Galata Tower.

It costs 18.5 TL or 7 euros, which I guess is quite pricey, but at least it comes with a lift- which made some of us very happy…

Although I should point out that the tower itself is already up a hill, so there is a bit of hoffing involved in the experience.

Not to name-drop or anything, but the whole thing was a bit tame compared with some of the other great wonders we’ve climed (particularly this fellow in Copenhagen!)

But the view was pretty swell..


So we hung around up there for a while, looking and pointing and peering…

… and taking GruppenFOTOS!


We even conned someone into taking one of all four of us for once!


We spent the rest of the morning in a fairly lazy/leisurly way. Wandered back down the hill, poking our heads in and out of shops, watching the people, and making a last attempt at finding cool fabrics in the Grand Bazaar (failed again).




And soon enough, we found ourselves eating again…




(Check out the cat behind Andy. He arrived as soon as we got our food, watched the entire time, and moved from person to person hoping to find the most generous among us. As soon as we finished, he moved on to the next group)







At some point I saw this guy!

Carrying what looked like.. fruit? Going with the whole ‘we’re-on-holiday-and-need-to-try-everything-that-doesn’t-look-like-it-will-give-us-dysentry’ I asked a man who was with him what one cost.

He quoted 3 TL, about 1 euro 20, a price which I suspect was specially made for me and likely 3 times the normal asking price (when I decided to go with it anyway, he turned to this dude and was like ‘Hey, I told this sucker it’s 3 TL!!’)


It was.. not good.


Pretty much a cucumber, but one that hadn’t received much water in its life.

A sad cucumber.


I decided to upgrade for something a little better.

Fancy sticky turkish eis! This time with all the colours- and flavours- of the rainbow.


And so we wandered on, burning time until it was time to meet Selin- A real, live, Turkish Local!












Spolier Alert: Rabbit might tell your fortune, but he does not do it as well as Selin!

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