Hi there, and thanks for stopping by the new and improved moved Fishwithwhiskey.
We brought the blog over to wordpress a couple of weeks ago, as a kind of birthday pressent from Joram, who helped me set the whole thing up (Ok, he did it all, but I held the mouse while he told me what things to click!).
So it’s still a bit rusty- I really haven’t had the chance to go back through the old posts and make sure they imported properly, or to add the final styles, widgets, or gadgets. But you know, it’s been about a month since we last posted, and I’m getting creatively antsy.
But please, take a look around, check that things are working, and flick me a comment or an email if you notice anything out of wack or have any useful suggestions… it’s a whole new world of interwebs for me, so I need your help my friends!
’til later,