Life in Germany
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Golden Canola

Over the last couple of days, forced to come into work on the weekend to write our respective theses (almost finished… almost done!), Iman and I have taken the opportunity to go for a couple of walks past the nearby fields in Golm.

Now that the rains have come, and everything looks completely different again, I thought I’d put up a quick throw-back post from the beginning of Summer.

Every year, a seemingly random assortment of fields around Golm burst into golden brightness.

Every year, I say to myself ‘I really should go and get some photos of the pretty’.


This year, we took some photos, and then I decided against putting them on the blog, because, you know… we’re pretty much standing in someone else’s field.

But now I’ve changed my mind, because I’m fickle like that. Possible the thesis-writing madness has set in.

I hope no-one minds to much.

It should be noted that we kept to the path, and tried hard not to hurt the pretty flowers.

Don’t try this at home children!


The opposite of a yellow brick road:img_7245-copy img_7248-copy img_7249-copy

Iman looks wise. Andy looks… squinty?img_7279-copy img_7281-copy

Andy somehow manages to look creepy while standing next to flowers. Pure skill!img_7283-copy

Obnoxious couple-based frolicking.img_7287-copy  img_7289-copy img_7294-copy img_7296-copy img_7300-copy

Iman is still concentrating. He really likes those flowers!img_7305-copy

Joram is a more versatile model. He can do serious…img_7309-copy

But he can also do ‘fun’:img_7310-copy

This apparently pressures Iman into doing the same. Andy is not falling for this peer pressure!img_7314-copyimg_7313-copy  img_7316-copy

That’s all folks.

See you in a couple of weeks (?), when I will hopefully share with you what it feels like to not be writing a thesis anymore.

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