A quick check in
Hi everyone!
Hi everyone!
I’ve been to Jerusalem once before this trip. Andy and I visited the old city for half a day back in 2013. But I never wrote a post about it. And I’m wondering now if it’s because the old city makes me kind of nervous.
Hey everyone! Did you know that nearly two weeks ago Germany passed through the first stages of legalizing gay marriage? Up until now, they’ve had gay partnerships, but these partnerships lacked certain rights granted to married couples (e.g. adoption rights). Germany is lead by a coalition dominated by the CDU, the Christian Democratic Union, yet despite this conservative-leaning leadership, the vast majority of Germans support gay marriage (83%, according to wiki). And, although Angela Merkel voted against the proposition (which we are all hoping was more of a political play than a personal opinion- we want to like you Angie, we really do), the vote passed with a nearly 2:1 yay to nay ratio (393 vs 226). All of this is great news. But I do, once again, I find my self wondering, what the hell is going on down there Australia!* *I just saw that Malta also passed it this week. And this is a country that only got on board with divorce in 2011!
On the 21st April, I defended my Phd in Molecular Plant Physiology. On the 22nd- Earth Day 2017- we marched for science.
It’s been a bit of time since I’ve posted, because of the crazy thesis ending and all. So here’s a super quick post with a whole lot of photos of me wearing my assorted haul from the Latvian op-shops. Also included, me looking really awkward, while Andy struggles to photograph me without me pulling stupid bird faces.
I think I ended the last post by mentioning that, as golden ‘hour’ set in on our evening up in Lapland, the lake turned to glass. We took to the boats…
Also known as ‘actions have consequences’.
Well I made another thing! I may have mentioned that when I visited Ikumi in Amsterdam I stumbled on fabric market which had so. much. amazing. fabric. For so little money.
When I was back in Perth, I was lucky enough to be part of an Institute that did a lot of public outreach work. Mostly workshops for young senior school-aged kids (14 or so), with a couple of presentations at ‘career days’ in front of the general public. Thing about Germany is, most of the public speak German…
I actually can’t work out which is more glamorous. The lady or the unicorn.